We are seeking proposals for:
Presentations should be original work (completed or ongoing) that contribute to our understanding of the ecology, management, or conservation of natural resources in Oklahoma, the Southern Great Plains, and beyond. Possible topics include habitat management, population ecology, monitoring/survey reports, law and policy, restoration, and human dimensions, among others.
Submissions should include the following:
- Personal Information: The presenter’s name (followed by coauthor names), professional title (and/or degree being sought), institution/agency/organization affiliation, presentation title, and preference for oral presentation or poster presentation.
- Abstract: 250 words or less that describe what was studied, including a brief explanation of methods, summary of results, and conclusions and/or management implications. Include scientific names in the abstract but not in the presentation title.
Please email submissions as a PDF or Microsoft Word file with the subject line “2025 OK NRC Presentation Abstract” to colter.chitwood@okstate.edu no later than February 7, 2025.